I used to be vegetarian a few years ago. I was also vegan for a bit. I stopped, mostly due to apathy. I never became unpersuaded of the ethical arguments against factory farming though.
runs a Substack where he writes about many topics from perspectives I widely disagree withArguments for Theism
Moral Realism
Application of Bayes’s Theorem
Edgy political hot-takes (edit: that I sometimes misunderstand)
That being said, I feel bad because I get so annoyed by Matthew (Bentham’s Bulldog) that sometimes it feels like all Im doing is criticising him.
Matthew is intelligent and he cares a lot about consistency in his arguments.
This past year he wrote a lot about The Shrimp Welfare Project here
I don’t agree with the way Matthew thinks about these issues on the whole. I reject key commitments that would make something like supporting Shrimp Welfare or becoming Vegan the rational (tm) thing to do.
That being said, it’s not like all the points Matthew made were without value. He highlighted aspects of topics I hadn’t thought about, such as how farming practices for shrimp bring about needless suffering, and his writing brought to my attention problems I had pushed to the back of my mind.
This, combined with wider reflections, experiences and a desire to lower my blood pressure / cholesterol, led me to decide to stop buying animal products in most forms.
In this case then, insofar as Matthews goal was to stop people creating demand for animal products AND to raise awareness about easy wins ethically farming shrimp and how donating small amounts of money can reduce the pain experienced by them in that process he succeeded; even with an ardent critic.
If people want a very different perspective from my own, I recommend they read what he has to say about these topics.
Awe thanks Nathan!
I will say: I don't think I have any edgy takes about the legitimacy of trans identity. I have the standard left-wing view.